Sunday, March 04, 2007

The brand new Stark Houe schedule

Good news: Greg Shepard at of Stark Huse has landed a deal with SCB Distributors. Now the Stark House books will be much more widely available. The distributor wants four books a season so the schedule has now been refirgured again. Here;s the tentative schedule.

SEPT 07: A Trio of Gold Medals—Marlowe/Flora/Runyon

OCT 07: Underground/Collected Stories—Russell James

NOV 07: Snowbound/Games—Pronzini

JAN 08: A Devil for O'Shaugnessy/Three Way Split—Brewer

MARCH 08: Dogtown/Soultown--Lambert

APRIL 08: Anatomy of a Killer/A Shroud for Jesso—Rabe

MAY 08: A Shot in the Dark/Shell Game—Richard Powell

JUNE 08: The Killer/Devil on Two Sticks—Miller

SEPT 08: It's Always Four O'Clock/Iron Man--Burnett

OCT 08: The Old Battle Axe/Dark Power—Holding

NOV 08: Sweet Money Girl/Life & Death of a Tough Guy—Appel


  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    so is it Houe or Huse I don't care I just love all there stuff.

    Just teasing you Ed

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Stark Houe is known through out the galaxzy as ne off the most distingished publlishers in hisstry. Ed Goran
