Thursday, January 22, 2009

Manuscript website

Lots of questions here: How much are the writers being paid? Are agents called in to negotiate? Will this become a standard part (numerous variations) for the new publishing paradigm? It's interesting to say the least. This is from Galleycat

Posted by JasonB | 01:23 PM | The Revolving Door | Email this post | 0 Comments

HarperCollins Signs Three Books from Manuscript Website

Harper Collins just purchased three books straight from their online manuscript site, The books were Miranda Dickinson's romantic book Coffee at Kowalski's, Steven Dunne's detective story The Reaper, and Lynne Barrett-Lee's real life story, Never Say Die. All three authors sold world rights as well.

The bustling social networking site counts 100,000 users worldwide who have uploaded 2000 manuscripts. On average, community members spend about 20 minutes reading and critiquing stories when they log on to the site.

for the rest go here

1 comment:

  1. This is like that failed HBO project wiht Ben Affleck, project greenlight. If the average member spends 20 minutes critiquing how does anything meaningful get found? Sounds like a gimmick.
