Monday, May 23, 2011

Two cool interviews

Ed here: Terrill Lankford's novels, especially Blonde Lightning and Earthquake Weather, strike me as a natural bridge between genre and literary fiction. The voice is true and modern, the prose is rich, Lankford's ability with both character and milieu are
remarkable. His detailing of La-La Land reminds me of an angry rather than forlorn Fitzgerald. Here he's interviewed by another fine writer, Alan Guthrie.

Can you sum up Shooters in no more than 25 words?

Horny guy gets his balls stuck in a pink bear trap. News at 11.

What was your motivation for writing it?

The greed I witnessed during the 1980s. When Reagan started what we're still paying for today.

How long did it take you to write?

It started as a screenplay in 1985. That probably took about two months to write and it eventually provided the spine for the novel. I think I started writing the novel in 1993 during a personal financial crisis. And it's the fastest book I ever wrote (but also the shortest). Probably about six months of writing and a year of rewriting.

for the rest go here:

---------------------------------------- LES ROBERTS

In my fifteenth in a series about Milan Jacovich, "The Cleveland Creep," notice the Slovenian Cleveland private eye has grown wiser, more mature, and has the same physical problems most senior citizens have. He's started drinking tea, for one thing, and he watches what he eats. Maybe I've actually begun writing a fictionalized autobiography!

When I created Milan in 1987, I made him not quite 40 and a Vietnam vet, divorced, with two boys aged 12 and 7---never dreaming that here I'd be, twenty five years later, still writing about him. Unlike Raymond Chandler telling tales about Philip Marlowe, I began by writing myself into a corner and now I'm stuck with it. I can't avoid the groundwork I laid down in my first effort---so now, yes indeed, Milan has grown older.

Guess what: so have I.

for the rest go here:

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