Sunday, September 11, 2011

From Lee Goldberg's A Writer's Life--E Book sales

Thanks to Lee Goldberg's great blog A Writer's Life this astonishing piece of information.


Ebook Sales Are Skyrocketing, Paperback books Are Plummeting

According to figures released today by the Association of American Publishers, so far this year ebook sales are up 167% while paperbacks have plunged 64% and hardcovers have dropped 25%. It's a safe prediction that the holiday season will create a sharp spike in ebook sales and an even steeper drop in paperback and hardcover sales. It won't be long now until the mass market paperback becomes virtually extinct.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I've said it before: too bad the mass market paperback is dying. It was my first (and still favorite) book format. I'll give it 10 years and some publisher will start using the format again for nostalgia's sake, and it will be a big hit.

    I read a little more on Mr. Goldberg's blog. Glad he's having success w/ the e-book format, as it puts more $ in his pocket.

    Jeff P.

    P.S. Am I the only one tired of the literary vs. genre crap? I know a lot of readers of this blog are genre writers, so I'm in the minority and thus am probably not so sensitive to the issue.

  2. With the closing of 400 BORDERS stores, publishers will be scrambling to find outlets for their print books. Barnes & Noble will be folding next, but it might take a year or two. The paperback might be an endangered species (although I love them!) as ebooks become the dominant form for book distribution.

  3. What surprised me more was the drop in Trade paperback. This is the format favored by most independent mystery publishers.

    Can small press publishers continue to rely on Trade? Can they afford to do Trade and e-books?

    I prefer e-books, but I still believe POD will save print for those who like their words on paper rather than pixels.

  4. jervaise brooke hamster9:08 AM

    Ed, its absolutely appalling and quite outrageous that the totally unwatchable, laughably pathetic, pile of British made celluloid dog-shit "Attack the Block" has been given a cinema release in North America, when you think of all the infinitely superior low-budget American made science-fiction and horror movies that are not accorded that privelige and honor and that have to make do with going straight to DVD instead, its quite absurd and completely unacceptable. Something has got to be done to stop British made celluloid dog-shit from polluting and besmirching American cinema's once and for all. Long live Hollywood, death to the British film industry.

  5. jervaise brooke hamster9:13 AM

    Ed, could you post some of your favorite pictures of Pauline Hickey on this site (from "The Pauline Hickey Fan Page" or "Pauline Hickey Vintage Porn"), thanks my old mate.

  6. steve prefontaine9:26 AM

    Ed, i whole-heartedly agree with Jervaise, the British film industry (as it laughingly refers to itself) is a ludicrous joke, it is also an insult to the medium of the moving image and an affront to world cinema. The British film industry must be destroyed with malice-a-fore-thought and extreme prejudice. By the way, i also totally agree with regards to Pauline Hickey, in 1985 when that bird was 17 i genuinely believe she was the most breathtakingly gorgeous bird who has ever lived, i`m really looking forward to seeing which pictures of her you choose to post on this site Ed.

  7. otis rampaging heterosexuality2:15 PM

    Ed, it would be great to know your opinion of the ass-tounding Pauline Hickey, i`ve just visited "The Pauline Hickey Fan Page" myself and i must say i dont think i`ve ever seen anything as incredible as the amazing Miss Hickey, i think all the pictures (and the few movie clips) on that site were taken in the mid to late 1980`s when the bird was at the absolute pinnacle and peak of her physical attractiveness and desirability, back in those days that bird was quite unbelievable, i cant wait to see which pictures you use to illustrate her charms on this site.

  8. I just don't understand why the rise of e-books HAS to lead to the demise of both the mass market paperback and the chain book store. It frustrates me, more as a reader than as a writer. But I think as the chains gom the indies will return. There are enough readers who love to hold books to support them.

    On the other hand, I've just signed contracts to put all of my adult westerns out as e-books and POD trade paperbacks. That's the first 200 Gunsmiths, and all 12 Mountain Jack Pike, all 9 Angel Eyes, and all 7 Tracker books. In addition, Gunsmith, Angel Eyes and Tracker are being done on audio.

    So I can hate e-books as a reader, but like (not love) them as a writer.

