Wednesday, January 02, 2013

PWA TAKES A STEP FORWARD from Robert J. Randisi

from Robert J. Randisi
        PWA has instituted a new Shamus Award for works published in 2012. It is the Best Indie P.I. Novel. This is for novels that have been published by the authors themselves. Entries must bear a 2012 copyright.
      President  Steve Hamilton, Vice-President DeNoux O'Neil, and Founder/Director Robert J. Randisi have decided it's time to open the organization to self-published works as the category now includes many established authors who, for one reason or another, have decided to publish their own work. The same professional standards used to judge our other categories will be used here. This category will include e-books. However, this is an experiment and does not effect any of the other categories. Hopefully, we are taking a huge step forward here, as the business itself undergoes drastic changes.
   The judges in this category are Robert Randisi, Steve Hamilton and Jan Grape. Email Bob Randisi at for further information.

1 comment:

  1. Good news! Most cool PI books seem to self-published these days when I look back at the last year.
