Looking for a Few Reviews from Bill Crider
Crossroad Press, the e-book publishers of the early books in the Sheriff Rhodes series would like to do a promotion for Too Late to Die. The problem is that there are too few reviews, and the publication Crossroad wants to use won't take the book. So if you've ever read it and would consider leaving a short review onAmazon or Barnes & Noble, it would help. I'll probably post this a couple of times to be sure that everybody sees it. The sheriff and I appreciate your support.
Update: As an incentive, Crossroad will give a copy of the e-book free to the first 20 people who ask for one and will leave a review. Also, if you've read the book and will leave a review, Crossroad will give you a book of your choice from their catalog. Such a deal! Just e-mail me, and I'll send you the info on how to get your book.
Crossroad will give a copy of the e-book free to the first 20 people who ask for one and will leave a review. Also, if you've read the book...ballsbridge dental practice