Monday, January 11, 2016

Jump-Cut preorder offer from Libby Fischer Hellmann

For the first time in 10 years, Chicago video producer Ellie Foreman is back in Jump Cut, which will be published March 1. In this, the 5th mystery-thriller of the series, Ellie is producing a video for a giant Chicago aviation company. But she is soon entangled in a web of espionage, drones, hackers, and spies, all of which threaten those most dear to her. It’s been getting terrific reviews so far. Read more about it here.

Right now it’s on pre-order. Pre-orders are fast becoming a critical tool for readers and authors. For readers, pre-orders are like an insurance policy. You don’t have to remember to order it later and then, like me, forget to do it. And even if you do, a nice surprise shows up in your mailbox when the book comes out. For authors, pre-orders can help an author get picked up by search engines so that more readers can find the book.

There are two cool things you should know about the Jump Cut pre-order:

I’m only charging 99¢ for Jump Cut during the pre-order period. In March the price goes up to $4.99 or even 5.99. So it’s quite a deal if you pre-order now.


If you pre-order and send your proof of purchase to, I will send you a download link for the first Ellie Foreman thriller, An Eye For Murder absolutely free! Nominated for the prestigious Anthony Award, EYE introduced Ellie, her family, and friends in a riveting mystery-thriller with roots that go back to World War Two.

The only thing I ask in return is that you share a few pre-written tweets and FB posts about the book. I’ll send you the info on that along with the link to EYE.

One novel for 99 cents; the other free…  That’s what I call a win-win. But you need to  pre-order now. This offer ends Feb.28  Here’s where to order:

And again, send your proof of purchase to so I can send you An Eye For Murder.

Thanks and Happy Reading!

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