Saturday, March 12, 2016

PAPERBACK PARADE #92: edited by Gary Lovisi

edited by Gary Lovisi
    This is the latest issue of my book collector magazine and is a terrific issue not to be missed! 
It takes a detailed look at the wonderful British pulp science fiction of the 1950s and a key man 
behind the pseudonyms of many of the most wild digest-size paperbacks -- Denis Hughes! It 
contains amazing info by Phil Harbottle that has never before been available, and it is loaded 
with many amazing pulp sf covers all in FULL COLOR! Also this issue contains a look at the 
France Books series -- fancy fold-out cover gga 1960s sleaze vintage paperbacks that is a 
feast for the eyes! I take a look at the fine crime noir Dead To Bed by Don Tracy -- 
a forgotten writer today who should be revived -- and an examination of the classic noir 
thriller Wages of Fear, and the two films made from this masterpiece. Then there is a look at 
the spy books featuring Colonel Peter Trees and a first-ever detailed examination of the 
Tor Science Fiction Doubles with most covers shown! There is also my "Paperback Talk" column, 
news, letters, ads and much more, a fine fun issue that no book lover or collector should be without. 
PP 92 is out now at $15 + $3 postage (in USA) from Gryphon Books, PO Box 280209, Brooklyn, NY
 11228, USA, or you can purchase a copy or subscription through Paypal at my 
website: Back issues are also available, so see my website or 
facebook page for more info.

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