
Health update: My own oncologist returned from a trip home to see her dying father. When I told her about the pain in my shoulder she immediately had me X-rayed. Turns out the radiologist was right after all. There is cancer in my shoulder area and what happened is that I fractured my Scapula. I start radiation next week. This is my fourth round of radiation. If it goes as well as it has in the past everything should be hunky dunky.
Good luck on the therapy.
Jesse James is nuts.
Judy and I will be thinking of you and that shoulder. Positively, of course, knowing for sure that all will go well.
Here's hoping everything will work out fine with the shoulder.
And how could anybody cheat on Sandra Bullock? I mean, really!
Here's hoping that all goes well with the treatment, Ed. It sounds like you know the drill and are tough, so that's a good start.
As for Jesse and Sandra, I've always wondered what SHE saw in HIM. It's always the good girl wanting the bad boy, and it usually ends badly. I noticed during the run up to the Oscars that she didn't look particularly happy.
Not sure I know who Jesse James is ... assuming, of course, Ms. Bullock isn't aligned with the spirit of a bad man. Well, from the context of your comments, I guess she is. Anyhoo, he's nuts, spirit or no.
And my very best to you with your treatment, Ed. My wife and I will keep positive thoughts for you!
Best of luck, Ed.
PS Why would anyone want to marry someone who calls himself Jesse James?
Sorry you have to do this for the fourth time, Ed. I'll be thinking about you. Marry a certain kind of guy and this is what happens.
Wishing you well with this round, Ed, and hoping there are no more.
Prayers by the bucketful coming your way.
Ed, I'll be thinking of you, but I know you're too tough and ornery to not knock this out fast.
Here's hoping everything does turn out to be hunky dunky.
I'm confident it'll be a breeze for you, Ed, especially given what you've already stormed through...
I admire your courage as you deal with these bleak troubles day by day. Best wishes,
You're in our thoughts here, Ed. Hang tough.
Jesse James ... a moron.
Many best wishes, Ed. Hunky dunky is the ticket.
Ed, good luck with radiation... and kick that SOB back again... good wishes and prayers your way...
And Jesse James is a loon... Sandra Bullock may have issues, but she aint' no skank.... ick
I'm sure your confidence is well placed. Best of luck.
Ed, you'll be in our thoughts and prayers. And let me just say that fracturing your scapula, and not really knowing it? That's pretty damn hardboiled.
Good luck w/ the radiation, Ed. I'm sorry it has to happen, but have faith you'll bounce back as you've done so many times before.
Yeah, men like Jesse James who think w/ their genitalia make some weird choices.
Jeff P.
Good God, even dumber than cheating on Halle Berry. Get well soon, Ed. You are one tough dude.
Harry Shannon
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