With so many sites devoting themselves to pulp art these days, I thought I'd nominate my choice for hardboiled perfection. This is a R.A. Maguire painting for a very good Harry Whittington novel. It seems to me that it includes just about every trope the form offers--the babe, the gun, the threat (in this case a sinister car), the night and upping the ante, some treacherous territory.
What cover do you think is particularly telling about hardboiled?
My youth was spent in the UK and I was drawn to the then "new look" of the Sexton Blake detective series in the mid-fifties. Many samples are online at www.sextonblake.co.uk. Try this one: http://sextonblake.co.uk/sbl4_399.htm
Sorry, people, the "l" got cut off the html there. Should be:
Great cover, great book. Ace always gave Whittington some of the best covers.
I love that cover. I still remember finding that book in a little store called The Book Stall, way out on Burnet Road in Austin. Those were the days.
This is a really wonderful cover. Yes, it does have all the 'elements' - but it has the something else that takes it into the realms of 'art.'
My favorite covers, and probably the most influential, were the original Signet covers for Mickey Spillane novels, in particular ONE LONELY NIGHT (Lou Kimmel) and KISS ME, DEADLY (James Meese). Actually, the second I, THE JURY painted cover is another strong one (the original had a kind of deco look and harkened to the '40s).
The next two rounds of Spillane covers were great, as well -- Bayre Phillips and James Avati. The Avati covers, which appeared in 1959 and 1960, were very modern for the moment, stark images without backgrounds. He was said to dislike Spillane's novels, but like Aldrich in the film KISS ME DEADLY, Avait nailed them.
That's a great one, Ed. I like some of the old Jim Thompson Lion covers-- A KILLER INSIDE ME, THE NOTHING MAN. They really capture the mood of Thompson's work. We're trying--with varying degrees of success-- to bring some of that stylistic cover art to our books.
This one's always been of my favorites, too. I don't have a copy of it, unfortunately, but everytime I see this cover I know someday I must.
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