by Gary Lovisi
It's an exciting time here at Gryphon Books in Brooklyn, New York. We are recovered now from the disaster of Hurricane Sandy and moving ahead boldly. The good news now is that my book collector magazine, Paperback Parade (#86) is just out and it is in a new format as a trade paperback, 114 pages, and in glorious FULL COLOR! The issue begins with 20 pages of "Paperback Talk" (news, new books, letters, etc) and continues with long detailed article by Dan Roberts on The Best of Lion Books Paperback Original Noir; next is the sexy gal spy series of Eve Drum, "That Lady From L.U.S.T"; then a fascinating cover swipe by Art Scott, and finally a detailed article on the medical science fiction of James White by Graham Andrews. The magazine went to Full Color with issue #85 and the response was terrific, now we have changed the format from a stapled binding to a more attractive and professional trade paperback format, loaded with more glorious color covers of rare, fascinating and sexy collectable paperbacks of all kinds and printed on quality paper. The covers are just gorgeous, but the articles are all well-written, well-researched also. It is a dream-come-true for me to produce this magazine in this simply lovely package. Thanks go out to my designer Richard Greene for his help. This is a magazine I think you will not want to miss and I hope you will spread the good word to your reader and book collector friends and try a copy. I know you will enjoy it!
Paperback Parade #86 is available now for $15.00 + $3 postage (a 3-issue subscription in the USA is just $40, outside USA inquire), fromGryphon Books, PO Box 280209, Brooklyn, NY 11228, or you can order through the Gryphon Books website at www.gryphonbooks.com or via email at gryphonbooks@att.net. VISA, Mastercard, checks, MO, and Paypal are all accepted.
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