From The Huffington Post:
Film and television director Hubert de la Bouillerie just launched EMovieBooks.com, the first online company to sell Hollywood writers' stories electronically for downloading on iPads and eReaders.
The site features traditional formats of screenplays, as well as its own unique format that removes direction cues. It also features published and unpublished novels and novellas and film and TV treatments compiled as short stories.
"EMovieBooks.com crosses two frontiers," said de la Bouillerie in the site's press release. "First, it gives readers access to brand new content from writers who are fantastic storytellers; and second, it fulfills the needs of today's readers - eBooks for mobile devices like the iPad that, at an average of 100 pages each, are quick reads that fit into busy lifestyles."
The site will initially only feature unproduced scripts by film and TV professionals who have at least one creative credit on IMDb. It already contains the work of writers Mark Medoff, Robert Klane, and Warren Lewis.
Lewis said, of the website, "When Hubert came to me with the idea, I thought: 'This is brilliant. Just because a movie doesn't get made doesn't mean it's not a fabulous story. Why not give readers everywhere access to these stories and let
Thirdly, it gives your unpublished script ... a publishing copyright. The Writers Guild might consider lowering their fees for storing them.
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