Ed here: Since Jerry Lewis (and the MDA Telethon)are so much in the news today I thought I'd link to this site Mark Evanier suggested. Here's a montage that shows Jerry Lewis through merchandising, movie posters and night club appearances over the year-- from Stephen Kroninger. A lot of good memories for me especially with Eddie Mayhoff in the mix. I have fond memories of him playing off Jerry.
BTW my computer crashed. I'm trying to get my current novel off my external hard drive. I just hope it's there.

for everything go here:
Thanks for the link, Mr Gorman. Great posters! My wife and I used to enjoy the company of Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin a long time ago. Good luck with retrieving your novel.
Sorry to hear about the crash. If the book's not on your external drive, a tech specialist may be able to save it from the kaput internal drive, but that entails $. Good luck!
Jeff P.
I remember enjoying Jerry Lewis' stint as host of the TONIGHT show in the 1960s.
Never did get Jerry. I think my favorite performance was in KING OF COMEDY actually.
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis were both a bloody load of old rubbish, the only good things about them were their rampaging heterosexuality and the fact that they weren`t British.
Harry Shearer's collection of Memorable moments from the Lewis telethons:
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