35 Years ago today

James' 300th Book
Ed here: James and Livia Reasoner have been good
friends of mine for going on thirty years. I'm glad to be posting this
celebration of James; 300th novel on the same day as their 35th wedding
anniversary. What wonderful writers, both of them, and what wonderful people.
1. Tell us about your current novel or
project. My 300th novel, DANCING WITH DEAD MEN, was just released for the
various e-book platforms last week, and a trade paperback edition is in the
works. This is a stand-alone traditional Western novel about a hired gunman,
Logan Handley, who is struck down by a disease that leaves him partially
crippled. The story follows his effort to deal with this condition and also to
save himself and some new-found friends from an old enemy who is stalking with
him. There's plenty of action and what I hope are interesting characters.
2. Can you give us a sense of what you’re working
on now?
I'm working on one of the many ghost-written novels I've done, which I
can't really reveal. I can say that it's a Western, though.
3. What is the greatest pleasure of a writing
The best thing for me is that writing has always made it possible for
me to spend a lot of time with my family and be there for them whenever they
need me. Sometimes it seems like my writing schedule has me chained to the
keyboard, but that's not really the case. There's still a great deal of freedom
for me to do other things when I need to.
4. The greatest displeasure?
Waiting to get paid! I
suspect that's a common answer among writers.
5. Advice to the publishing world?
Realize that the
success of e-books has changed things and the business will never again be like
it was before.
6. Are there any forgotten writers you’d like to
see in print again?
So many of the great pulp and paperback authors are in
print again, so it's harder to find truly forgotten writers. Harry Olmsted was
a fine author who wrote hundreds of stories for the Western pulps, but he never
wrote any novels so his work has disappeared. I'd love to see a collection of
his best work. Donald Barr Chidsey was a top-notch historical novelist who also
wrote some good mysteries and contemporary fiction. Quite a bit of T.T. Flynn's
Western work is available, but he also wrote hardboiled mystery fiction that
ought to be reprinted.
Tell us about selling your first novel.
In 1979, when I was trying to sell
TEXAS WIND, Livia and I lived out in the country (we still do) and hadn't put
up a mailbox, so we got our mail at the post office in the little town nearby.
Because I was sending out manuscripts all the time and didn't want them bent or
rolled up when they came back in their SASE (as they all too often did), we got
a drawer at the post office instead of a regular box, so they could lay flat.
So for years my address was P.O. Drawer C. The drawers were on the very bottom
row in the post office, so I had to bend over to open Drawer C and check it.
One day I was doing that when I found a manila envelope in it. That was a
common sight, of course (those dreaded SASEs), but I realized right away this
wasn't one of mine. Instead the return address was Manor Books in New York, the
most recent place I had sent TEXAS WIND. I remember I just stood there for a
few seconds looking at the envelope before I took it out, opened it, and found
contracts for the book. My pulse was really pounding. I don't even remember the
drive home to tell Livia. It was a great moment.
Love that paragraph 7 !
I'm a big fan of his work and I hope to meet him and Livia before I croak.
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